Shih Tzu Poodle Pets Classifieds in all on Dogs
Atlanta, Georgia
Affectionate Shih Tzu Puppies. They are 12 weeks old. They have been brought up in a family with children and other pets around them, text us on (848) 207-4518 or Email ( for more details and recent pics. ...
Los Angeles, California
These adorable little characters have the sweetest temperament, they are a lovely size, low shedding, so suitable for most allergy sufferers, fun, loving, good with children and other pets and very intelligent and easy to train, they make wonderful f ...
Louisville, Kentucky
Beautiful AKC Toy Poodle puppies available. They are absolutely gorgeous. Very smart puppies and fast learners. They both are very social and love playing a lot. text us on (848) 207-4518 or Email ( for more detai ...
Charleston, West Virginia
Beautiful AKC Toy Poodle puppies available. They are absolutely gorgeous. Very smart puppies and fast learners. They both are very social and love playing a lot. text us on (848) 207-4518 or Email ( for more detai ...
New York City, New York
Affectionate Shih Tzu Puppies. They are 12 weeks old. They have been brought up in a family with children and other pets around them, text us on (848) 207-4518 or Email ( for more details and recent pics. ...