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Shih Tzu Poodle Pets Classifieds in all on Dogs

Affectionate Shih Tzu Puppies
$ 500
Atlanta, Georgia
Affectionate Shih Tzu Puppies. They are 12 weeks old. They have been brought up in a family with children and other pets around them, text us on ‪‪(848) 207-4518‬ or Email (oliveiralopes4805@gmail.com) for more details and recent pics. ...
$ 400
Los Angeles, California
These adorable little characters have the sweetest temperament, they are a lovely size, low shedding, so suitable for most allergy sufferers, fun, loving, good with children and other pets and very intelligent and easy to train, they make wonderful f ...
Beautiful AKC Toy Poodle Puppies Available
$ 500
Louisville, Kentucky
Beautiful AKC Toy Poodle puppies available. They are absolutely gorgeous. Very smart puppies and fast learners. They both are very social and love playing a lot. text us on ‪‪(848) 207-4518‬ or Email (oliveiralopes4805@gmail.com) for more detai ...
Beautiful AKC Toy Poodle Puppies Available
$ 500
Charleston, West Virginia
Beautiful AKC Toy Poodle puppies available. They are absolutely gorgeous. Very smart puppies and fast learners. They both are very social and love playing a lot. text us on ‪‪(848) 207-4518‬ or Email (oliveiralopes4805@gmail.com) for more detai ...
Affectionate Shih Tzu Puppies
$ 500
New York City, New York
Affectionate Shih Tzu Puppies. They are 12 weeks old. They have been brought up in a family with children and other pets around them, text us on ‪‪(848) 207-4518‬ or Email (oliveiralopes4805@gmail.com) for more details and recent pics. ...